Janae Fletcher,
Licensed Massage Therapist & BodyMind Method© Practitioner *Auto Claims Accepted
Are you seeking an experienced massage therapist in Stanwood, Camano Island, or North Snohomish County (WA State)? You’ve come to the right place. There are also virtual appointments to support your Journey to Health, wherever you may be. I look forward to meeting you. ~Janae
Work With Janae
Book A Body Mind Session
Tap into the Body-Mind connection as an opportunity for self-reflection, transformational healing, and a deeper connection to the world around you.
Self Care Passport Podcast
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Looking To make decisions with more ease and stop second-guessing yourself?
Explore your values and create boundaries in an honest (and fun), true-to-yourself way, helping you discover who you are at your core, what you want, and how you'll get there.