Meditation library

This library is a combination of my various meditation practices. There is no right or wrong way to meditate, it is about getting quiet enough to hear ourselves. I have explored many options to find what is right for me. The first step: get comfortable, think of this time just for you, allow your thoughts to be your helpers rather than fighting them.

I have noticed the moment a quiet pause intersects with a thought, it is a time to sit with that thought or feeling, not fight it. Go deeper, really allow it, activate the healing and forgiveness process, pause with the memory, and see what it has to teach you. Once I decided and understood that thoughts could be part of my quiet pauses and meditation practice, it changed everything for the better, providing ease, understanding, and insight.

This library contains some of my spoken word and a printable download for letting go, a meditation series inspired by ordering up a life just the way you would your favorite beverage, with all the perfect ingredients just for you, and a series inspired by my love of water and paddle boarding. Listen in to this Self Care Passport Podcast episode, Creating A Meditation Routine That Feels Right, that dives a little deeper into finding a practice that works for you.

Enjoy! If you are feeling social come find me on Instagram @janae_fletcher


01. Visualization

Visualization is a way as acting as if. As if all you are looking forward to and desire has already happened. Use my visualization list to inspire your own. Act as if and live into your dreams unfolding.


02. Letting Go

Letting go is a process that is not always easy. Ease comes when we surrender to it and allow, what may be even better, to grow within us.


03. A journey of Perspective

This meditation is inspired by the roller coaster of emotions and feelings we are all experiencing during our global health crisis and social distancing requirements. Gain perspective, face the chaos, gather gratitude and travel back home to yourself.


The sip, savor, and surrender series was inspired by taking care of my mom. Her daily coffee was a comfort and she liked it a certain way! As I was helping make this happen the thought came to - wouldn’t it be great if we could order up a life just like our favorite beverage, with the perfect ingredients for us? This series is dedicated to her and all those that are looking to find those perfect ingredients, through daily experience and joy.


01. GIFT

Finding our unique gifts within us is a gift to ourselves and the world. You are a gift. Share your life.



Possibility is all around us, watch for it.



Abundance and the power of intention, surrendering and truly growing into the best versions of ourselves.


02. CALM

Find calm in everyday moments by taking a pause just for you, embracing your thoughts and allowing them to be.


04. LOVE

Love is the greatest gift, found in so many forms.


06. JOY

Breathe in joy. Inhale the essential and exhale the non essentials. Tend to your joy.

Sup, Savor & Surrender
(Paddle Board Series)


01. Acceptance

Acceptance is something you do for yourself along your journey. Allowing yourself to come fully alive to what is, and all that flows within you and for you.


02. Letting Go

Letting go is being aware of what is lingering, ready to surface, waiting for your attention and moving through it all with inspired thoughts and actions. Bringing mindfulness to a moment, with love and kindness and a desire to change, help us let go of what no longer serves us.


03. Renew

Renew and rejuvenate by quieting the hustle and bustle, breathing in all that awaits and replenishes you deep down inside.

I always love hearing from my listeners on which meditations are really resonating with them. I would love to hear from you, send me a email below.